Attar Harshringar 1460

Attar Harshringar 1460

MRP Rs. 4400.00 (incl. of all taxes)

(Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, sandalwood)

Commonly called "Parijat" or "Harshingar" in India, there are ample references in the ancient Indian scriptures to this enigmatic and ethereal flower. The Sanskrit phrase "Paarinaha Samudrath jaatho va parijatah" (Parijat, which was born out of the sea after much searching) suggests that Parijat was derived during the historic "Samudra Manthan". In Attar Harshingar, sandalwood subtly compliments the captivatingly sweet, deeply spiritual scent. No wonder Indian history recognizes it as "God’s Flower"!

10 gm
  • 10 gm

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